JSA were invited by both LCY and Lagan construction to carry out all the airfield reinstatement following a massive runway overlay project. 15 Ha of reinstatement will be carried out over a two month period to make the airfield compliant going into 2017 and 2018 along with the removal of over 200 redundant electrical pits. All existing grassed areas will be cut and cleared then sprayed off and the ground reinstated with new top soil spread where necessary to bring the levels correct. Once this stage has been completed, JSA will use its larger plant and agricultural machinery to not only create a sound seed bed stone burying in the high blast areas, but seed the entire airfield to ensure a good sward is generated going into the new season. Works will be carried out on the airfield to ensure no conflict or interruption of its scheduled flight service, liaising with the Airfield stakeholders on a regular basis while the project is being carried out.